KA 210:" Integrating sustainable and safe learning materials into education"


Europa 2000 Gimnázium (Coordinator), Hungary

 IES Alvaro Cunqueiro, Spain

Pakize Kokulu Anadolu Lisesi . Turkey

ARSU Academy for Lifelong Learning and Development Germany e.V. , Germany

Yabanci Dil Egitimcileri Dernegi, Turkey

 Project description :

 During the COVID 19 pandemic teachers and students were required to teach and learn online.The difficult task of getting students to attend classes online was achieved but now teachers face new problems. Teachers needed to use different methods to attract and keep the students focused and motivated during the school year.Students were required to be in front of a computer screen for many hours and as such became exhausted but also addicted to and antisocial as they lost socai intertaction because being online.The project is primarily; is based on increasing the competence of teachers Technology skills.The objective of the project is to increase teacher competence in the use of Computer Technology and engaging software available online. It aims to provide efficient training methods such as , Future Classroom Lab and Flipped Classroom strategies to integrate class curriculum. The project ideas originated from discussions of partner school teachers who teach the same age group students and face common problems.The objectives are based on SMART goals. The issues the teachers want to tackle are: Enhancement and evolution of traditional and old fashioned teaching techniques to fit online learning objectives. Reducing the deterioration of social relationships of students and peer to peer discourse. Establishing social activities and social responsibility projects at least twice in a semester period. Provision of alternative web2.0 restricting games and social media addiction. Help in developing skills to cope with cyberbullying. We will be focused on promoting and teaching up to date technologies.


 * WEB2 Tools Guideline for teachers,

 * Social interaction modules to prevent technology addiction 

* Workshop on safe internet usage, the booklet for teachers and parents .Digital Transformation In line with the strategic priorities of the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027), the program aims to support learners, educators, youth workers, youth and organizations to involve them in digital transformation. 

*Psychological support will be given to the students who are at risk of technology addiction and the rates will decrease. 

*Tutorial video how to prevent cyberbullying, the signs of cyberbullying present in their students and how to cope with 
