Language as tool for innovation and effectiveness in teaching (Teresa de Jesús
Comesaña) enfocado en promover y mejorar
las secciones bilingües.
Contemporary teaching requires up to date methods and tools. Teachers nowadays are not playing the role of the traditional master of knowledge anymore, but they are the medium and the guide in the process of acquiring the new knowledge. CLIL teaching method (Content and Language Integrated Learning) constitutes the key in methodizing the teaching act through the tools it offers to teachers worldwide. CLIL method is designed in order to make the teaching act on the one hand innovative and on the other hand effective. It is based on contemporary theories for experiential education and promotes immediate practical acquisition of the new knowledge. This way, it succeeds to be the most prevailing method today, due to the fact that it helps students to learn the new knowledge in a natural and effortless way. As for the teachers, they find a new way to make their lessons more interesting, more alive but nonetheless effective. CLIL is necessary for every teacher or professor who seeks new, innovative and more effective ways of teaching, but meanwhile they seek to broaden their professional horizons and to claim a job position in European market.
Program Objectives:
The main goal of the training in CLIL program is to update teachers about the innovative methods and tools it provides. Via the CLIL post-educational program, participants learn how to adapt CLIL’s teaching methods and tools in the teaching task, either if their goal is to teach a second language, or they want to teach other lessons, like Geography, History, Math etc. Teachers will be in position to design and develop CLIL projects and tasks. Moreover, participants will be able to master the integration of CLIL methods in teaching and use digital tools in favor of the class and the teaching task. As a result, language education and acquisition will constitute an immediate derivative of teaching other lessons (e.g. Math). In other words, via its methods and tools, CLIL teachers will be in position to teach –at the same time with whichever lesson- English language or whatever language-target they want. In such a manner, CLIL teachers will manage to exercise and educate students who will be able to constitute future citizens of a global society. This is one of the most important task that every school or college should aim to. Last but not least, completing the CLIL program, participants will acquire the ability to implement the CLIL methods and tools, together with other digital and audiovisual tools in the teaching task, transforming their class into an innovative, contemporary and totally effective procedure.
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