KA 210: Integrating sustainable and safe learning materials into education


Leading Organization: IES Álvaro Cunqueiro, Vigo

Date: From 17 to 21 April

Describe the content of the proposed activity:

 This training aimed to help teachers in providing guidance on how to approach online safety with their students and advise them and parents on how to create their home online safety. In the age of fake news students must learn how to think critically and parents must be involved when they are online.There were several seminars. This training consisted of a quiz, workshops, seminars and ended with preparing leaflets which will be a guidance for students and parents. 

 Day 1 : Socratic Seminar Brainstorming about a picture or any news Expressing and sharing ideas about it Grouping as a seminar Deciding whether it is fake or fact Discussing the results according to the explanation 

Day 2: Safer Internet Workshop Discussing about the every details given to a website Explaining personal feelings while using internet Duration of using internet Clearing up the concerns about online safety 

Day 3: Digital Citizenship seminar ; quiz exploring how students ask for and receive consent online Managing privacy and data Playing digital passport games online Raising awareness on online safety 

Day 4: E-Safety Leaflets Providing information and advice for parents and students about online safety Titling according to reporting, digital footprint, privacy setting and online friendship Classifying by the age of internet users Online issues that students may face Technological use guides and checklist 

Day 5:Evaluate all the activities with menti Loading documents on Project websites Sharing the activities on social media Leaflets will be created by adding all activities

During the week there were cultural activities and visits; environmental activities: planting a tree;

We shared Galician music and dancing, gastronomy etc

Workshop about e-safety with our students

Welcome lunch


Teachers working together at school

E- safety presentation by the Turkish teacher Tugba


Helping the Environment: Planting a tree in our Erasmus Plus garden

Meeting Commemorative Plaque

Visiting a PE class

Activity about Cyberbullying

Working Meeting

Learning Galician music

Working Meeting

Presentation: Socratic Seminar

Presentation: Digital Citizenship

Getting to know Vigo and its surroundings
